Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

We spent our free day with some friends from the Alpha course....ate some ice cream, drank some Mate, fed some ducks, and found our new favorite place in Córdoba - el Parque Sarmiento. This park has: a zoo, a small amusement park, multiple lakes, a huge (and free) public swimming pool, lots of cool trails, trees, and wildlife, AND steps that are slightly reminiscent of those in "Rocky". Needless to say, we will be passing many more blissful hours there this year.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Question: What do you get when you mix 6 gringos and 1 Argentinian?

Answer: Us. These are our amazing housemates! Eva (in the red) is from Argentina and the rest of us locos (Joy, Steph, Sarah, Sharayah, JD and Heather) are from the US. We tend to do this after a little lunch al fresco (outside) on occasion.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Reese's Cups. Peanut Butter M&M's. Jif Peanut Butter. These, along with other goodies, arrived today in Córdoba from Steph's mom. Do you find yourself pondering, "How could I-yes, little ol' me-make Steph and Joy's day?" Perhaps this picture illustrates the very answer to that question. We like pretty much all things chocolate (except with wafer-type textures) and/or peanut butter including homemade baked goods. So don't be bashful :-) We will be forever grateful.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Tonight we successfully made stove-top popcorn for the first time! We made two kinds (sweet and salty) in preparation to make mass quantities this weekend for our first big event at the Cultural Center. Based on the enthusiastic response from our team, we feel confident in our newfound popping ability.

Quote from Stephanie: "POP, LOCK AND DROP!!" said while showing off her impressive and eclectic dance moves.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

Tonight was Week 3 of the Alpha course! Here is Steph's group (Group #4 shout out!), posing for a picture after an awesome night of discussion and debate about sin and the Cross.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

With any luck, today marks the only day that we will not be posting a daily photo. Because with any luck, today marks the only day Steph's camera and everything else in her bag were stolen.

Quote from Stephanie: "They may take your bag but they will never take your FREEDOM!!!"

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Today marked another great day working at the Cultural Center. While this picture shows light pouring in from the outside, we hope that the Cultural Center (called Luz Urbana or Urban Lightin English) is a place where light shines from the inside out.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Today we were talking about our baby days, and we thought the best way to show this was by giving you a little glimpse of who we were many, many moons ago :)

Can you guess who's who?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Today's mission: Buy ingredients at Wal-Mart to make our own hummus.

We arrived and with the help of a friendly Wal-mart employee, quickly found the majority of the ingredients. However, our quest was halted when we came upon the final ingredient: Tahini. "What is Tahini?" you ask. We didn't have a clue. According to Google Translate the word "tahini" is the same in English and Spanish, so we went relying on the fact that a trusty Wal-Mart employee would know. After "help" from 4 different employees and being directed to rice, spices, and oil, we found our way to the imported food section. And after at least a half hour of searching, we found it! It was conveniently located directly next to another familiar food. Hummus. We debated for about 30 seconds on whether to get the Tahini and complete our plan to make hummus OR to buy the delectable-looking pre-made (in Lebanon) Hummus. Finally (after the 30 seconds) we grabbed the jar of hummus and skipped to the register, pleased with our decision.

(Carrots, Coca-Light and Yogurt were also purchased, helping us to save money. And live better.)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Today we sanded and painted the front windows at the Cultural Center. It was our first day working alone without our leader/teammate Ezequiel, and we met our first challenge when we were unable to unlock the front door from the inside and get out to run errands during lunch. Solution? Escape through the window, of course. Joy valiantly leapt out onto the patio, releasing Steph from the Cultural Center and fleeing into the street, allowing them to proceed on their afternoon errands.

(Note: Siesta store closings are thankfully not applicable to the stores in the center of the city near the Cultural Center)

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Today was an awesome day, especially for Steph. Here's what made it awesome.

1. Steph burned her leg on the handle of the oven...probably a 1.5 degree burn.

2. Shortly after, while preparing the pizzas for dinner, Steph greased the pan and thoroughly spread the dough with grease on her fingers. About to start greasing and spreading the second pizza dough, Joy, alarmed, asked "What are you doing?!" Suddenly it dawned on them both: Steph had "greased" the first pan and spread the dough with dish detergent instead of vegetable oil. An understandable mistake as both liquids are yellow (as shown above). She asked Joy if they could still serve the pizza for dinner. Joy, always the more rational one, denied the request. The soapy dough was thrown into the trash, and they set off to make new pizza dough, only to realize that there wasn't enough oil to make it! Steph ran frantically to the store in search of more oil, cursing the ground for the Latinamerican tradition of an afternoon Siesta, when all the stores close from 1pm til 6/7pm.

3. After returning home, dejected and defeated, Steph and Joy started to walk to the house meeting room for a team meeting. They walked through the kitchen, looking at each other and chatting about the misadventures of the day, when out of nowhere the kitchen cupboard charged and attacked Steph, pummeling her directly in the forehead. She crumbled to the ground, pain shooting through her head and both girls fearing the worst: that Steph might have yet another concussion on the books...Concussion #3. Thankfully, after aid from Joy and their other teammate, and ice on the forehead for an hour, Steph pulled through with nothing more than a large bump on her forehead and a few days worth of pain.

4. During their team meeting and while icing the forehead, Steph and Joy forgot about the first pizza in the oven until it was too late...the dough had burned in the fiery furnace and would be served crispy to the team for dinner. Epic fail.

Epilogue: It looked like all hope for a sufficient dinner was lost until on a walk later Steph and Joy discovered a woman selling things through the locked gate of her corner store, and the girls were finally able to obtain the coveted oil and return home to make the second pizza.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

We spent part of today at El Refugio, a small house purchased and renovated by OM in Las Violetas, one of the impoverished neighborhoods in the city. El Refugio offers afterschool workshops and classes to kids and teenagers, allowing them a safe alternative to spending time on the streets in their dangerous neighborhood. The workshops teach valuable life skills through computer training and English lessons, offer fun activities like dance and theater classes, and even provide the opportunity to earn an income through baking and selling Alfajores (a popular Argentian dessert) to local schools. Today we (Joy and Steph) hosted a preview English workshop and will spread the word before starting weekly sessions next week.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday, September 18th, 2010

We spent today battling against the dark forces of video technology. We were attacked time and time again in an effort to make our newest and best video. (Thankfully, we're confident that our past works are sufficient to take home at least 3 statues from the Academy.) Nevertheless, we were frustrated by our thwarted plans and thought this still frame from our final video of the day best epitomizes our feelings of defeat.

As a great man once said, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down. "

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17th, 2010

During our walk to the Cultural Center for a meeting, we came across this Reggae concert in the nearby plaza. We met a few high school students who told us a bit about the Córdoba music festivals and about their post high school plans. After our chat we tried to take a picture of ourselves in front of the stage, but due to short arms and lack of daylight, we had to settle for 2 separate pictures (as shown above).

We didn't notice the guy with the djembe at the time...otherwise Córdoba would have had even better music in the plaza tonight :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

After our first visit to the UNC (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) campus today, we stumbled upon this rally in the center of the city. Students and others passionately rallied for the improvement of public education in the city. Due to this important demonstration, our bus wasn't able to run its normal route, which prompted us to better learn the city by finding an alternate bus stop.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

This is Heather, one of our awesome new teammates and housemates, and a potential new member (drums/vocals/guitar) of the band! In addition to her musical abilities, Heather paints, draws, builds things, and has an amazing laugh....she even laughs at our jokes.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

This is an Argentinian peso....that Joy's keen eye found on the ground today. Add in the 7 pesos she's stumbled upon in the street during the last few days and we may be able to purchase our very own KEYTAR for SteSchAsHar! (8 pesos = USD $2.139845)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Today marks Day 1 of our intense training regiment. Crazy to think that 10 months ago at this time we were about to run our first marathon. We're pretty confident that although 10 months has lapsed since any sort of regular running/exercise has taken place, we could still demolish 26.2 miles. Piece of torta.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

Tonight was the first night of the Alpha Course at the Cultural Center...we got to help out with the small groups, we experienced Alpha for the first time, and met some awesome new friends!

We passed this billboard on our walk to the Cultural Center. Two words: Keytar. Why?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

We used our first day of rest to give into familiar cravings...trekking the 1.5 miles to the nearby Wal-Mart, we observed how some things are the same throughout the world (thanks to globalization), and some things even the Wal-Mart here doesn't have....aka we'll still need things sent in care packages :)

Friday, September 10th, 2010

These numbers stamped on every other piece of wood became the nemesis for Joy and Steph today, whose job was to sand down the wooden frames and remove all marks in preparation for staining.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Exhausted after a longgg day of painting the whole outside gate and entryway at the Cultural Center. Sporking like a couple of sun cats :).

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Joy, Steph, and our teammate Sarah spent all afternoon painting the gate in front of the Cultural Center....a musical sing-a-long ensued, which made the time go by quickly (miracle of miracles). We seized the day, cheered L'Chaim, and were never fully dressed without our smiles. Don't worry....we were smiling :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

We became domesticated today by learning our way around the kitchen and how to make a favorite dish in Latinamerica....Empanadas! No fires, and satisfied stomachs....Operation Domestication: Successful.

Monday, September 6th, 2010

The whole house (minus Steph) in one of the many beautiful plazas in the center of Córdoba....loving our new city!

Our new home in Có awesome.

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

The back of the Cultural Center in Córdoba where we'll be meeting a lot of university students and others....the first exhibit should be happening in the next 2 weeks!

The view of Argentina and the Atlantic at sunrise on our flight in....about 30 hours into our 34 hour journey, but we sat in awe of this beauty and of our new home for the year.

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

After 0 hours of sleep on Friday night we arrived at the Amsterdam airport early Saturday morning ready to take off to our final destinations, and looking classy in the moment.

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Our last night at the conference....hanging out in the Terabint tent and taking lots of pictures...with some dancing, bananagrams, and goodbyes on the side. Hope to see all of our OM friends soon!

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

Sitting in awe of our chocolate sprinkle flakes....pretty much the norm at mealtimes during the GO Conference. Get excited to check out our video which goes more in depth about this great love.

3 of us to Argentina and 1 to Chile....South America, get excited! :D

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Instead of waiting 2 hours for a washing machine we took matters into our own hands and decided to handwash our clothes in the sinks. A slightly awkward situation + our clothes not drying in Holland's damp weather for 2 days made for an adventurous laundry day.

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

A rousing game of banagrams late at night in the the end of this game the rule is that you have to sing all of your words....(this may or may not be in the instructions)

Monday, August 30th, 2010

Gettin' our fris(bee) on between seminars and during the fleeting moments between rain storms.

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

On Sunday we had a "Celebrating Cultures" event where each country was given 4 minutes to showcase their culture to the others. Naturally, we from the US of A decided to present a montage of songs from our country, ranging from "God Bless America", "Somewhere over the Rainbow", and "Born in the USA" to others like "We Will Rock You"......sadly Queen is not actually from the US. Awesome, entertaining night by all.

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

We went to the Missions Medina where each field had set up an informational exhibit....we spent most of the time and an immense amount of mental expertise completing this puzzle of the UK with 2 other friends :)

Before the Missions Medina we took a trip into the nearby town of Delden where we explored the Dutch culture and got to see a castle! (this is not the castle..but a cool door on the main street in town).

Friday, August 27th, 2010

One of our many barnyard friends living on the conference property...we lovingly refer to him as "Chanchito" (Little Pig) and got to visit him every day on our walks around camp.

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

One of the exhibits in the auditorium where we had sessions and worship.....awesome.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

On our second day at the GO Conference we were each challenged during one session to create something, have someone else break a piece off of it and then have it returned to the creator to fix the creation and make it whole again. This made us think a lot and thank Jesus even more.

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

After the red-eye flight to Amsterdam, we enjoyed the scenic countryside of Holland on the way to the conference in Delden. Bonita!

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Joy and Steph made a few last-minute phone calls to friends and family before departing from Washington/Dulles (to Amsterdam) on Monday, August 23rd. See you soon, everyone!